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Hướng dẫn sử dụng điều hòa Panasonic CU/CS-N12AKH-8 đời mới 2025

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The new generation Panasonic air conditioner has just released, surely when buying Panasonic 12000 BTU CU/CS-N12AKH-8KH-8KK-8KH-users will have questions about how to use it. The following article will help customers understand the features and usage.

1. Instructions on how to use the Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner

Air conditioner Panasonic 12000 BTU 1 way Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 Belonging to the standard line N Series has just launched in 2025. The product is not integrated with the function connecting to Wifi, so when using the user will be completely controlled through the remote control remote.

The structure of the buttons on the remote control of the remote control Panasonic air conditioner This 2025 as shown below:

Instructions for using Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner 2025
Instructions for using remote control buttons of Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner (Photo: Panasonic).

Overall, the remote control of Panasonic Cu/CS-N12akh-8 is not much different from previous generation air conditioners, and rules using buttons are equivalent.

2. Instructions on how to use the cooling mode Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 2025

Before using Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 air conditioner for room cooling, customers need to ensure that the machine is installed in accordance with the standard. The product has a cooling capacity of 12000 BTU/h so it is especially suitable for rooms with an area of ​​15 – 20m2. At the same time, make sure that when the air conditioner is turned on, the rooms must be closed, the windows, or the holes if any need to be sealed to ensure the effect of cooling and saving electricity because this is not Inverter air conditioner.

How to use this Panasonic 2025 air conditioner to cool should follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Source for the air conditioner (usually the air conditioner will be assembled with aptomat)
  • Step 2: Hold the remote to the head of the infrared light directly into the device’s indoor unit, and press the Off/ON button on the remote to turn on the air conditioner, when you hear the beep and the signaling light system on the indoor unit mask the machine has started to place.
  • Step 2: Select the cooling mode by pressing the Mode button on the remote control, pressing each beat and observing when the screen on the remote appears the cooling word.
  • Step 3: Choose the temperature, depending on the outdoor temperature is how much customers can choose the appropriate temperature level, but should only be 5 – 10 degrees Celsius, with temperatures 25 – 28 degrees Celsius is the best. Use the triangle button upwards and down in the Temp cluster to adjust the temperature increase/decrease.
  • Step 4: Select the wind speed by the Fan Speed/Quiet button and the wind direction with the Air Swing button to select the wind and wind direction accordingly.
Instructions for using Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner 2025
Activate Powerful to quickly cool the room (Photo: Panasonic).

In the case of boot that customers want to cool the room quickly, you can press the Powerful button to activate the cooling mode quickly. This mode will turn off when the temperature has reached the settings.

3. Instructions for selecting special operation mode on Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 air conditioner mode

In addition to the usual cooling mode Panasonic air conditioner 1 way Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 has just launched in 2025 also have a number of special operating regimes that customers can choose to use in specific cases, specifically:

3.1 Night sleep mode

This mode of Panasonic 12000 air conditioner BTU CU/CS-N12AKH-8 will automatically adjust the room temperature while users sleep at night to bring deeper sleep.

To activate, you still perform the installation steps as normal cooling mode, and end you press the Sleep button on the remote until the Sleep is displayed on the remote screen and the Sleep light on the light -light indoor mask is okay. You should turn on this mode only when you fall asleep.

Instructions for using Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner 2025
Night sleep mode to avoid cold cold (Photo: Panasonic).

3.2 Desicular dehuman mode

In humid days, Panasonic air conditioner 1-way Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 can act as one dehumidifier With dehumidification capacity of up to 2 l/h. To use the desiccant mode, customers take the following steps:

  • Step 1: Turn on the air conditioner with the Off/ON button
  • Step 2: Use the Mode button to adjust the mode, press each beat until the screen appears Dry.
  • Step 3: In order for Dry mode to promote the effect, customers still need to adjust the room temperature to the outdoor temperature to ensure good moisture separation efficiency.

Dry mode does not turn off on its own because the Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner does not have a moist sensor and moisture control controller. Therefore, users need to be proactive when the feeling that the room is dry, it should be turned off to avoid the situation of “deep” moisture causing dry skin and nose.

Instructions for using Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner 2025
Super quiet operation mode (Photo: Panasonic).

3.3 Quiet mode

With Quiet mode, the air conditioner operates with the lowest wind speed and noise level, especially suitable when only one person sits in the room, or everyone is in a resting state. Activate this mode by performing adjustment steps such as Cool mode, and ends by clicking holding Fan Speed/Quiet key until there is a question on the remote screen.

4. Instructions for using Nanoe-G mode on Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 2025

Current 1 -way air conditioner Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AKH-8 was equipped with Nanoe-G technology with Nanoe-G transmitter on the indoor unit with a capacity to produce thousands of negative ionic ions to seize dust particles, allergens floating in the air. This technology is certified to be able to remove up to 99% fine dust PM2.5.

Therefore, in the days when there is information on high dust pollution, customers own 12000 BTU Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 BTUs do not forget to use Nanoe-G feature to remove fine dust. How to activate nanoe-G mode on this Panasonic 2025 air conditioner as follows:

  • Step 1: Turn on the air conditioner as usual and perform the installation steps as usual
  • Step 2: Press the Nanoe-G icon button on the remote control, and pay attention when the Nanoe-G icon appears on the remote screen, as well as the Nanoe-G indenture on the indoor unit.
Instructions for using Panasonic Cu/CS-N12AK-8 air conditioner 2025
Nanoe-G mode filter fine dust (Photo: Panasonic).

Nanoe-G mode also works even when you turn off the air conditioner with remote control, so if you are not too hot in the days, you can still use this mode to filter the dust optimally.

Above are guidelines that can be easy for customers to use the features of Panasonic 12000 BTU CU/CS-N12AK-8 2025. Hopefully, with this information, customers have grasped the way to adjust the most optimal operation mode.

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